However, he sees he has no ice cream and finds standard toppings like bananas and cherries to be blas, so he instead creates a new type of sundae made from onions, ketchup, and the contents of a nearly dead potted peanut plant.. SpongeBob is dismayed by this revelation and isolates himself in his home Spongebob Squarepants Epde Watchcartoononline Movie At TheIt works, and SpongeBobs confidence grows, so they decide to go see a movie at the Reef Cinema.
February 28, 2001 April 4, 2001 April 22, 2001 September 24, 2002 2003 October 27, 2004 December 30, 2005 December 23, 2007 July 23, 2008 September 1, 2010 (QTV) February 22, 2018 (PLUS PLUS) March 17, 2018 (TET) May 26, 2019.. After eating it, Patrick feels a sudden urge to use the bathroom Upon finding no one will stay within his vicinity, Patrick fears he has caught the ugly from SpongeBob and hides in a stall with a paper bag over his head.. SpongeBob and Patrick love being slaves on board his ghostly ship and it drives the Dutchman crazy.. With every word SpongeBob speaks, the viewers panic and flee, soon leaving no one in the auditorium.
Spongebob Squarepants Epde Watchcartoononline Movie Theater ExteriorSpongebob Squarepants Epde Watchcartoononline Movie At TheTheir destiny will be determined by the audience voting over the phone lines and the internet in a special episode called You Wish.. SpongeBob is very confused by this and asks Patrick if he notices anything wrong with him.. SpongeBob then asks what he ate, after being told it was the sundae SpongeBob made. Kolbert Park

Steel Licks 1 - Jeremy Wakefield Reflection test The Nightmare Begins (a) - John Devereaux SpongeBob asking people if he is ugly Hawaiian Link (b) - Richard Myhill Im ugly.. Unbeknownst to SpongeBob, the result of eating the sundae is intense halitosis Unfortunately, the townspeople are universally disgusted by the smell of SpongeBobs rancid breath and run away from him.. Its The Flying Dutchmans ship, and he enslaves them to work as crew members on deck for the rest of their lives Squidward, however, is quickly thrown overboard because hes so annoying.. The latter realizes that they are not ugly, but simply have bad breath from the sundae.. He then tells Patrick that it is not his appearance, but his breath which stinks, much to Patricks relief.. On Fire - Gregor F Narholz What is wrong with you people Vibe Link (b) - Richard Myhill Oh wait, Patrick, I just remembered.. SpongeBob and Patrick run into Squidward, looking at wigs in a window display SpongeBob cries out in joy, Guess what, Squidward We stink as they hug him, leaving Squidward staring blankly as SpongeBob and Patrick start running away laughing and cheering, ending the episode.. An angry Dutchman resigns to eat them the next day, so SpongeBob and Patrick steal his special dining socks in retaliation. 518b7cbc7d